I Still Have Faith In You - Related Video


I Still Have Faith n You

  • ABBA

  • Pop

  • 1 MB

  • m4a

  • 377

  • September 3, 2021

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About I Still Have Faith In You

The Swedish group ABBA is making music again. After a four-decade interregnum, the band has released two new songs, announced plans for a full album in November and been “de-aged” using Hollywood CGI trickery as part of a new virtual concert experience which will launch in 2022.

The two new songs I Still Have Faith In You and Don’t Shut Me Down are pure ABBA in their sound. Surprising, perhaps, given the band split in the early 1980s and has not recorded new music in the four decades since.

Just a few bars into I Still Have Faith In You and you can almost hear the clock slowly turning back. To a simpler time. When blue was the eyeshadow color of choice. And silk cat dresses in blue and gold ruled the world. All we need is a campfire and some humming, and strumming, and we could be arm-in-arm singing Fernando.

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