Senora, Senora - Related Video

Denise de Kalafe

Senora, Senora

  • Denise de Kalafe

  • Latino

  • 1 MB

  • m4a

  • 650

  • May 11, 2020

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About Senora, Senora

“To you who gave me your life, your love and your space”, you surely read those first words with the already classic tune of the melody that Denisse de Kalafe made , the Brazilian singer-songwriter who gained world fame thanks to a song that celebrates moms and that sounds at every elementary school this May 10th . But, although it is one of the most popular songs and it has almost ten different versions - ranging from mariachi, norteña, grupera, salsa and pop, the story behind the song has to do with the nostalgia that the Brazilian felt when she was in Mexico City .

It could be said that the greatest success of the Brazilian is undoubtedly "Señora, Señora", a song included on the album Amar is from 1981, however after that hit, Denisse released eight more albums, the last being Details , published in 2012 and which is a tribute to the Brazilian singer-songwriter Roberto Carlos. In 2017, Denisse de Kalafe sang at the Santa Martha Acatitla Reclusorio on May 10.

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