Major Lazer
1 MB
September 22, 2021
Major Lazer’s “Lean On” is centered on a romance that has apparently gone awry. Thus it begins with the singer, MØ, reminiscing on the past days of this relationship. And at that time she and her partner were “bold and young”. The overall implication is that particular period of the romance was a very memorable one in a good way. But by the second verse you can see that she is questioning the future of their union and her lover’s commitment to her. That is she wonders if he will remain by her side through serious hardship. And unlike the first pre-chorus, which as mentioned earlier had her relishing their past, this time around we see that she’s “longing for [him] to come home”. Also the following line, “all around the wind blows”, seems to signify that they have indeed run into formidable obstacles challenging their relationship.
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